Until recently there has been no Christian worship music in Euskara, except for a small number of translations of Spanish songs. Hal and Jane who live and work in Pamplona aim to encourage Basque people to use, enjoy and write their own Christian music, both for worship and to share their faith. Hal and Jane recorded a CD of worship songs called Euskal Praise, which included this track.
Non bizi da Jainkoa? was the only typically Basque sounding song on the Euskal Praise CD. It uses traditional instruments; the txalaparta is a xylophone-like percussion instrument using planks or stones, and the trikitixa is a small variant of the accordion having diatonic buttons.
For more information or to receive a copy of the full CD by Biltokia Cristiana (in a variety of musical styles, with lyrics in Euskara) go to www.biltokiacristiana.com or write to Biltokia Cristiana, c/o Abejeras 26, Iruna 31007, Spain.
Style: Basque traditional
Language: Euskara
Composer: Biltokia Cristiana
Recorded: Arion, Iruña (date unknown)
Vocals: Rakel López, Sara López, Ainara Adurriaga, Rebeca Gestoso, Jon Ander Bruño, Josune Justo, Josune Camarero, Natxo Ward, Cloe Ward, Jane Ward, Marcos Pascual
Instruments: Include: txalaparta (Basque xylophone), trikitixa (Basque accordion) – Joxan Rodriguez, et al.
Contact for track: Biltokia Cristiana c/o Resonance office
Full title: Non bizi da Jainkoa? (Where does God live?)
Local title: Non bizi da Jainkoa?
Copyright: ©2002 Biltokia Cristiana
Translation: Hal & Jane
Web: biltokiacristiana.com