WEC missionary Neil Barker recorded this song in the context of specially arranged song writing workshops, based at a local WEC-related church. The workshops were publicised to other neighbouring churches with Jola believers. The songs were accompanied by drums; often different djembes were used. In this song, a 3-stringed guitar called an ekontin is played. As with so many groups that use their heart music to worship God, when these songs are used the praise seems to 'take off' - and no one can keep still!
Style: Jola traditional
Language: Jola Kaasa
Composer: Kaasa Christians with Neil Barker
Recorded: Senegal (date unknown)
Producer: album: Senegal Praise
Vocals: Kaasa Christians
Instruments: ekontin player
Contact for track: Neil Barker
Full title: Hóo wóo wóyee Amaa (oh the powerful Lord)
Local title: Hóo wóo wóyee Amaa en sembe emit óli
Copyright: ©2002 Neil Barker
Translation: Neil Barker