Italian version of the song, "On Fire for the King", with a different musical arrangement.
A stirring missions song. Elfi writes, "when the theme for WEC's 2006 international leaders conference was announced as "On Fire for the King with a passion for the lost", I had a strong impression that I should write a song about it, including some of the sub-themes of the conference, like fellowship and suffering. The song has been translated into several languages and is being used by WEC teams and churches."
Style: Contemporary Christian
Language: Italian
Composer: Elfi Bohl, Switzerland, 2005
Arranger: Sefora deCanistris & Renzo Gigante
Recorded: Italy
Producer: Renzo Gigante
Vocals: Sefora deCanistris
Instruments: Renzo Gigante (guitar)
Contact for track: Elfi Bohl
Full title: Ardenti Per il Re (“On Fire For the King”)
Local title: Ardenti per il Re
Copyright: ©2006 Elfi Bohl
Translation: Sefora deCanistris & Renzo Gigante (Italian)
Copyright of original: ©2006 Elfi Bohl
Photo Credit: Pexels