At least 70% of the world population are oral learners, either by necessity, since they can ́t read or write or by choice of preference. Therefore it is of high importance to communicate the best message ever in a way people like to receive information and are able to understand, remember and pass it on.
Orality is not merely about communicating verbally instead of writing, but it is about thinking patterns, what kind of information seems relevant and interesting, how is information remembered and how is it passed on to others. Due to the Reformation Protestants and Evangelicals communicate theology mostly in abstract terms and as concepts, which are easily forgotten or not relevant for daily life.
The challenge is to communicate theology and faith in ways people understand and remember and can apply into their lives. This course teaches theory and several different methods in order to provide new tools in the toolbox and a practical foundation for ministry.
Date: 07 - 21. February 2024
Location: MTC Cornerstone College, Beugen. Netherlands
Teacher: Birte Papenhausen, BA in drama therapy, MA in Theology and Intercultural Studies, lived 11 years in Mongolia and has teaching experiences in many different cultures. She regularly preaches through drama or interactively and practices what she teaches. She is now staff at Cornerstone.
Cost: 450 Euros (incl. accommodations and food on teaching days)
Application Deadline: 15th of December 2023
Contact: Birte Papenhausen:
Content details:
The course has three blocks with different emphasis. It is recommended to attend the whole course but if that is not possible all three blocks can also be taken separately.
Bibliolog Basic course for narrative texts (7-10th February)
• Bibliolog is an interactive Bible study method that is based on putting yourself in the role of the characters involved in the passage. It can be applied in small or large groups, with people who know the Bible well or not at all, with people who can read or not. It has been proven to be an excellent Bible study method in various cultures and settings.
Oral teaching methods (12-16th February)
Basic information about orality and the mind set of oral learners
Storytelling: theory on the power of stories to change worldviews, two methods on how to learn a story, tips on how to prepare and tell it in a captivating manner, practice.
Story set: choosing stories which are relevant for your target group and which have the potential to change their world view.
Discussing Bible stories: Finding good questions, Story based, interactive Bible discussion / study
Systematic Biography: teaching theology based on the biography of people in the Bible.
Symbols, rituals and modern parallels
CLAT: creating local arts together, 7 steps for community activities
Drama methods (19-21st February)
Basic drama
Dramatized scripture reading: how to make Scripture passages come alive by reading it with a group of people.
Living Statues: making stories and abstract concepts three dimensional and personal
Solo plays: how to write and perform short plays with only one actor.
At the end of each block all participants have to prepare and perform one of the taught methods.
(Photo Credit: Canva)
When & Where
MTC Cornerstone College, Beugen, Netherlands
This event has passed MTC Cornerstone College, Beugen, Netherlands